Refund Policy

Due to the nature of the digital products, we reserve the right to not offer a refund once an order is confirmed, product is downloaded/available and return of goods is not possible.

We strongly believe in and stand behind our products 100%, but we understand that it cannot work perfectly for everyone all of the time. If you have an issue that we are unable to resolve that makes the product unusable, we will be happy to consider offering a refund.

We recommend contacting us for assistance if you experience any issues with our products.

Make sure to check the software requirements before you make the purchase. If you are unsure and have any questions before purchasing, please contact

It is made clear at this point that some knowledge of WordPress and Web-related skills are necessary to fully take advantage of our products and services unless otherwise stated.

Refunds will be offered at our sole discretion and must meet all of the following conditions fully:

  • You are within the first 7 days of the purchase of product and you contacted us with product issue;
  • No refunds will be granted after the first 7 days of the original purchase whatsoever.

There is no obligation to provide a refund or credit in the following situations:

  • You change your mind about an item;
  • You bought an item by mistake;
  • You do not have sufficient expertise to use an item;
  • You didn’t get satisfied with an item.

You may not use any of the product in any form when you have requested and received the refund. This will then be deemed a copyright infringement and will be subject to legal action.

By purchasing products from our site, you agree to this refund policy and relinquish any rights to subject it to any questions, judgment, or legal actions.